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Development of high-performance structural systems for seismic applications

2016年05月05日 22:57  点击:[]

土木工程学院海天学者、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC) Tony Yang教授于56日至512日来我校开展教学和学术交流,并于59日开展一次学术讲座,具体安排如下:

人:Tony T.Y. Yang, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Executive Director, Professor

International Joint Research Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering



讲座主题: Development of high-performance structural systems for seismic applications


Prof. Yang is a registered professional engineer in British Columbia, Canada. He received his B.Sc. (2001) and M.Sc. (2002) from the University at Buffalo, New York, and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2006.

His research focus on improving the structural performance through advanced analytical simulation and experimental testing. He has developed the next-generation performance-based design guidelines (adopted by the Applied Technology Council, the ATC-58 research team) in the United States; developed advanced experimental testing technologies, such as hybrid simulation and nonlinear control of shake table, to evaluate structural response under extreme loading conditions; developed risk-based simulation models for countries in the North and South America and the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) for the counties in the South East Asia.

Prof. Yang’s research has been well applied to national and international research and code committees. He has been invited to over 50 leading research institutes worldwide to present his research. Prof. Yang is one of the 19 voting members of the Standing Committee for Earthquake Design, which is responsible for writing the seismic design provision of the 2020 National Building Code of Canada (NBCC). Prof. Yang is also a corresponding member of the TC9 committee within the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), which is responsible for writing the seismic design provision of steel structures in the United States. Prof. Yang is an active member of the Tall Buildings Initiative Project which has developed seismic design guidelines for tall buildings in the West Coast of United States. Prof. Yang’s work has been well recognized by his colleagues, he is the recipient of the 2014 CISC H.A. Krentz Award and the 2011 Kwang-Hua Professor Title from Kwang-Hua Foundation, China.


Recent earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand have shown that even the most developed countries with modern building codes still vulnerable to strong earthquake shaking. The issue lies in the fundamental approach in the structural design, where the earthquake energy is absorbed through inelastically deformation of the structural components. This design approach leads to unrecoverable structural damages and hefty social and financial losses. The loss due to earthquake can be minimized using high-performance earthquake resilient structures, where designated structural fuses, analogous to electrical fuses, are used to dissipate the sudden surge of earthquake energy. This design philosophy will achieve higher performance and allowing the structure to recover efficiently and economically after strong earthquake shaking. Innovative earthquake resilient structures has been developed in the past. However, there is a lack of practical design procedure that can be used by engineering design committee.

In this presentation, a novel design procedure, named equivalent energy-based design procedure (EEDP) for fused structures in earthquake applications will be presented. EEDP allows engineers to select structure performance objectives when the structure is experiencing different levels of seismic shaking intensities. With the use of the developed methodology, engineers can efficiently select the structural member sizes to achieve the desire structural period, strength and deformation with simple hand calculation without iteration. Hence, it is very practical and useful for the seismic engineering design communities. Two innovative earthquake resilient structures named Linked Column Frame (LCF) and fused truss moment frames (FTMF) are designed using EEDP and presented. Nonlinear dynamic analyses were conducted to examine the performance of these two innovative fused structural systems. The result shows the proposed EEDP methodology is able to achieve the performance defined by the engineer, making this design procedure ideal for practicing engineering community where high-performance structural systems can be developed for seismic applications.




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