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Resilience Enhancement of High-Performance Structural Systems with Structural Health Monitoring (利用结构健康监测技术增强结构可恢复性)

2015年06月17日 23:24  点击:[]

Resilience Enhancement of High-Performance Structural Systems with Structural Health Monitoring (利用结构健康监测技术增强结构可恢复性)


报告题目: Resilience Enhancement of High-Performance Structural Systems with Structural Health Monitoring (利用结构健康监测技术增强结构可恢复性)

人:Dr. Yunfeng ZhangDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, USA





In this talk, seismic resilience enhancement technology for structural systems are presented in relation to structural health monitoring technology. A resilience metric is provided that builds on relevant reliability and risk metrics. Improving the resiliency of a structural system to meet target levels requires the structural health monitoring of the system and examining potential system enhancement alternatives in economic terms. After such hazardous events, engineers are usually faced with many competing priorities in making safety and occupancy decisions about large inventories of building and bridge assets and there are usually shortage of experienced engineers available for inspection and repair work. One of the inspection goal is to quickly and quantitatively determine the residual capacity (in strength and ductility) of structural members to assure structural safety in future events such as aftershocks. Structural health monitoring (SHM) technologies are useful for rapid structural condition assessment especially for many hidden locations after major hazardous events. This talk presents structural resilience enhancement by concentrating structural health monitoring on fuse members.



Yunfeng Zhang 博士, 美国马里兰大学土木与环境工程系教授,结构试验室主任,2001年获美国加州理工学院博士学位。国内毕业于同济大学和清华大学结构工程专业。现任美国土木工程师协会Journal of Structural Engineering副主编及其他两种国际学术期刊的编委。近十年科研工作主要集中在工程结构全寿命周期健康监测技术与安全评定和结构抗震研究(混合实验和自恢复体系结构抗震性能研究),主持了近10项美国政府基金研究项目。基于在工程监测传感技术等前沿领域的创新获2006年度美国国家科学基金会职业奖(NSF CAREER Award)和ASCE计算学刊2006年度唯一最优论文奖。发表了近50SCI收录论文,曾多次在国际专业学术会议上做大会特邀报告。2011年任同济大学光华学者


上一条:Adaptive Passive Negative Stiffness Systems for Seismic Protection of Base Isolated Bridges 下一条:FRP-混凝土-钢双壁管组合结构(学术讲座)

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