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Structural Vibration Measurement Using Smart Devices

2016年03月05日 23:31  点击:[]


报告题目: Structural Vibration Measurement Using Smart Devices


报告时间:310 上午10


Structural Vibration measurement of civil infrastructures is one of the most essential issues in the field of Structural Identification and Health Monitoring. For this purpose an economical, yet effective measurement method is desirable to provide information on current state of structures by measuring the structural vibration responses. In this study, a low cost structural seismic response measurement methodusing smart devices is proposed. An application program is developed for this purpose. This program can measure acceleration data by MEMS of smart devices, and also store and upload the data to cloud server. The reliability of the measurement systemwas evaluated by performing shaking table tests using different smart devices. At last, a few applications in real building structure seismic response were introduced.









2002 东南大学 工学学士

2006 东南大学 工学硕士

2010 爱知工业大学(日本) 工学博士


2010年~2011 爱知工业大学博士后研究员

2011年~2013 京都大学 研究员

2013年~至今 埼玉大学 助教




日本地震工学会,2013 , Excellent Paper Award , The Second International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 2013 Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering for the paper entitled: Nonlinear Numerical Hysteresis Model for Bi-directionally Loaded Elastomeric Isolation Bearings



1. D.A. Nguyen, J. Dang, Y. Okui, A.F.M.S. Amin, S. Okada, T. Imai: An improved rheology model for the description of the rate-dependent cyclic behavior of high damping rubber bearings, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 77: 416 - 431, 2015

2. 党紀、東出知大、五十嵐晃、足立幸郎、林訓裕:ゴム支承(LRB) の経年劣化が橋梁構造の耐震性能に及ぼす影響に関する解析的研究,土木学会論文集A1,71(4):刊行予定 2015

3. 林訓裕、足立幸郎、坂本直太、五十嵐晃、党紀:ゴム支承の損傷メカニズムに関する基礎的検証,土木学会論文集A1,71(4):刊行予定 2015

4. Ji Dang, Huihui Yuan, Akira Igarashi, Tetsuhiko Aoki: A Curve Approximated Hysteresis Model for Steel Bridge Columns, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), Vol.140, Issue.9, 04014058_1-04014058_14, 2014.09

5. 林訓裕,足立幸郎,甲元克明,八ツ元仁,五十嵐晃,党紀,東出知大: 経年劣化した鉛プラグ入り積層ゴム支承の残存性能に関する実験的検証 ,土木学会論文集A1(構造地震工学),70(4):I_1032-I_1042, 2014.07

6. Huihui Yuan, Ji Dang, Tetsuhiko Aoki: Behavior of Partially Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Bridge Piers under Bi-Directional Seismic Excitations, Journal of Constructional Steel Research,Vol.93,pp44-54, 2014.02.

7. H.K. Mishra, A. Igarashi, J. Dang, H. Matsushima: Pseudo-dynamic testing for seismic performance assessment of buildings with seismic isolation system using scrap tire rubber pad isolators,Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture,8(1):73-80 2014.01.

8. Huihui Yuan, Ji Dang, Tetsuhiko Aoki: Experimental Study of the Seismic Behavior of Partially Concrete Filled Steel Bridge Piers under Bidirectional Dynamic Loading, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.42, Issue 15, pp.2197-2216, 2013.12.

9. 五十嵐晃、松島弘、党紀:矩形廃タイヤゴムパッド免震材のせん断変形性能の載荷方向依存性,土木学会論文集A2,Vol.69(No.2):425-433,2013.

10. 党紀、袁輝輝、五十嵐晃、青木徹彦:鋼製橋脚の水平2方向地震応答解析のための曲線近似MSモデル,土木学会論文集A2,Vol.69(No.2):391-402,2013.

11. Ji Dang, Tetsuhiko Aoki Bidirectional loading hybrid tests of square cross-sections of steel bridge piers, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.42,Issue 8,pp.1111-1130, 2013.07.

12. Ahmed ALHOURANI, Ji DANG and Takeshi KOIKE A Framework for Performance-Based Seismic Design Approach for Developing Countries ,土木学会論文集A1,Vol.69(No.4), pp.I_195-I_206, 2013.

13. 五十嵐晃、党紀、村越雄太、伊東俊彦免震ゴム支承の水平2方向復元力特性に関する載荷実験および復元力モデルの比較検討 ,土木学会論文集A1,69(No.4):pp.10-25 2013.

14. 党紀,青木徹彦,五十嵐晃水平2方向地震動を受ける鋼製橋脚の耐震安全性に関する実験的研究 ,土木学会論文集A1,Vol.68(No.4):pp.627-641, 2012.

15. 党紀、青木徹彦鋼製橋脚の曲線近似復元力履歴モデルおよび実験検証 ,土木学会論文集A2(応用力学論文集) ,Vol.68(No.2):pp.495-504, 2012.

16. 党紀,中村太郎,青木徹彦,鈴木森晶正方形断面鋼製橋脚の水平2方向載荷ハイブリッド実験 ,構造工学論文集,Vol.56A:pp.367-380, 2010.

上一条:基于波动理论的超高层健康监测新方法 下一条:国际会议信息:ASMM16 Conference

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