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Dynamic Fracture Behaviour of Steel Fibre-Reinforced Concretes

2016年07月25日 20:52  点击:[]


Dynamic Fracture Behaviour of Steel Fibre-Reinforced  Concretes


报告人:张晓欣 博士

西班牙卡斯蒂亚-拉曼昌大学 副教授


Dr.Zhang is an INCRECYT permanent researcher in the Scientific and  Technological Park of Castilla La-Mancha, and also the technical director of the  Lab of Materials and Structures of the University of Castilla La-Mancha, Spain.  He got his PhD on Materials Science in Harbin Engineering University in 2004,  China. His main research interests are on fatigue and dynamic mechanical  behaviours of materials and structures, such as steel, concrete and  fiber-reinforced concrete, ceramic. He was a member of scientific committee of FraMCos 8 held in Toledo, Spain, 2013, and  also one of the local organizers. Moreover, he is a member of Grupo  Español de Fractura (GEF), European Structural Integrity Society  (ESIS), European Society for Experimental Mechanics (EURASEM), International Association of Fracture Mechanics for Concrete and  Concrete Structures (IA-FraMCoS).



讲座时间:2016726 9



上一条:美国堪萨斯大学李健博士的学术报告 下一条:Digital Controller Design for Time-delayed Bouc-Wen Hysteretic Systems

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