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2017年01月13日 09:49  点击:[]









FRP Strengthened Steel Structures





Finite Element  Simulation of Confined Concrete (约束混凝土有限元模拟)







Dr. Tao Yu is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong (UOW) in Australia, and an Associate Editor of the international journal Advances in Structural Engineering. He is also a member of the council and the executive committee of the International Institute for FRP in Construction. Dr. Yu is also one of the main contributors for the Chinese national standard Technical Code for Infrastructure Application of FRP Composites (GB50608-2010) and the Hong Kong design guideline Guide for the Strengthening of Concrete Structures using FRP Composites. Dr. Yu received his BEng degree in 2001 from Zhejiang University and his PhD degree in 2007 from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His PhD research was on a novel form of hybrid structural members incorporating FRP, concrete and steel, and included experimental, numerical and theoretical investigations into various aspects of the novel structural members. After his PhD study, Dr. Yu has expanded the scope of his work to various branches of structural engineering, including other forms of hybrid structures, the rehabilitation of existing concrete and steel structures, the seismic assessment/retrofit of concrete structures, and the nonlinear numerical simulation of various structural problems. Dr. Yu has published over 70 research papers in the area of structural engineering, including over 30 SCI-indexed journal papers. Among the journal papers published by Dr. Yu, 6 papers are among the “Most Cited Articles”, “Top 25 Hottest Articles”, or “Top Downloads” of the respective journals (i.e. Engineering Structures; Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE; Journal of Constructional Steel Research; Construction and Building Materials). While most of his journal papers were published in the past six years, these papers have received over 300 non-self citations in Web of Science, with an h-index of 11. Dr. Yu has successfully secured a number of research projects as a principal investigator, chief investigator or co-investigator, receiving a total amount of around RMB 10 million. These include the recent project he secured (receiving around RMB 2 million) as the sole chief investigator from the Australian Research Council through its “Discovery Early Career Researcher Award” scheme, which is a quite competitive scheme with a successful rate of below 15%.

上一条:关于2017年全球创新技术网络国际会议与AWAM土木工程国际会议(IGNITE-AICCE'17)的通知 下一条:Academic Career in the U.S. and Proposal Writing

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