报告题目:Recent advances in the analysis of offshore foundation systems 报告时间:2016年11月7日,下午14:00-15:30 报告地点:综合试验3号楼5楼会议室 Professor Mark Cassidy is an ARC Laureate Fellow, the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Chair in Offshore Foundations, Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering and Director of UWA’s Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS). Mark’s research interests are in offshore geotechnics and engineering, predominantly in developing models for the analysis of oil and gas platforms, mobile drilling rigs, anchors and pipelines. Mark has published over 200 refereed journal and conference papers and jointly holds two international patents with Singaporean mobile jack-up builders Keppel Offshore and Marine. Professor Mark Cassidy 西澳大学教授 Honours and awards: 2015 Christensen Fellow, Visiting Professor, St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford 2014 David Hislop Award, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the UK for the best paper on offshore engineering 2013 13th Zheng Guo-Xi Lecture, Zhejiang University, PR China 2012 E.H. Davis Lecturer of the Australian Geomechanics Society for “outstanding contributions to geomechanics theory and practice” (most prestigious award for geotechnical engineering within Australia). 2012 Geotechnical Research Medal, ICE in the UK – for the best paper on geotechnical engineering 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers Best Paper Award of 44th Offshore Technology Conference – world’s foremost offshore engineering conference with 89,400 delegates in 2012 2012 Research Fellowship, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Norway (5 months) 2007 Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year, Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science 2006 Western Australian Premier’s Prize for Early Career Achievement in Science 2006 Included in list of “Australia’s Most Influential Engineers Top 100”, Engineers Australia 2006-10 Visiting Professor, University of Queensland 2006 Research Fellowship, International Centre for Geohazards, NGI, Oslo, Norway (6 months) 2003 David Hislop Award, ICE in the UK – for the best paper on offshore engineering 1995 Rhodes Scholarship (Queensland and New College, 1995) 1994 University Medal, University of Queensland 1992-94 Hawken Memorial Scholarship, Arups Engineering Award, Kenneth A. Thiess Prize, Sir Thomas McIlwraith Engineering Scholarship, Metal Building Products Manufacturers Association Prize, Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia (Tertiary Award), University of Queensland